Statistical Process Control

Oct 18, 2023

Control estadístico de procesos, also known as Statistical Process Control (SPC), is a powerful tool used in quality management to monitor and control the performance of a process. By collecting and analyzing data, SPC helps identify variations and trends, allowing organizations to take corrective actions and improve their processes.

The Importance of SPC

Implementing SPC can bring numerous benefits to organizations. First and foremost, it helps ensure that processes are operating within specified limits, reducing the risk of defects or nonconformities. By detecting variations in real-time, SPC enables proactive problem-solving and prevents the production of defective products.

SPC also provides valuable insights into process performance and capability. By analyzing data over time, organizations can identify opportunities for improvement, optimize their processes, and enhance overall efficiency. SPC helps organizations make data-driven decisions, leading to better quality products and increased customer satisfaction.

Data Collection and Analysis

To implement SPC effectively, organizations need to collect and analyze data on a regular basis. This data can be collected manually or automatically through sensors and other measurement devices. The collected data is then analyzed using statistical techniques to identify variations, trends, and patterns.

There are several commonly used statistical tools in SPC, including control charts, histograms, Pareto charts, and scatter diagrams. These tools help visualize data, identify outliers, and understand the underlying causes of process variations.

Control Charts

Control charts are one of the fundamental tools in SPC. They provide a graphical representation of process data, allowing organizations to monitor and control process performance. Control charts consist of a central line representing the process mean and upper and lower control limits representing acceptable variation.

When data points fall within the control limits, the process is considered to be in control. However, if data points exceed the control limits or show a non-random pattern, it indicates a special cause variation, which requires investigation and corrective action.

statistical process control

The PDCA Cycle

SPC is closely linked to the Plan-DoCheck-Act (PDCA) cycle, also known as the Deming cycle. This iterative management method involves planning, implementing, checking, and acting upon the results to continuously improve processes.

SPC plays a crucial role in the "Check" phase of the PDCA cycle. By monitoring and analyzing process data, organizations can evaluate the effectiveness of their improvement efforts and make informed decisions on further actions.


Control estadístico de procesos is a powerful tool that enables organizations to monitor, control, and improve their processes. By collecting and analyzing data, implementing control charts, and following the PDCA cycle, organizations can achieve better process performance, reduce defects, and enhance customer satisfaction.